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February 10, 2012


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Dear friends,

As the team travels in the direction of home today, take a minute to consider a few things.

Even though the Run Across Palestine was an amazing project of epic scale, it can’t take away the struggles our olive-farming friends face every day.

They will continue to resist the occupation of their land, & we’ll continue to support them in their nonviolent quest for peace. Just as we foster the friendships we’ve forged in Chiapas & Ethiopia, we’ll always have a partnership with these farmers.

Because they’re people, just like us.

Because we all need to eat & sleep & work & laugh & love & be loved, no matter who we are or where we’re from.

Because as it’s scrawled on the Bethlehem side of the separation wall, We all bleed the same color.

Because friendships like the ones formed through RAP are beautiful & worth taking care of for years to come.

Here’s what team member Aubrey Ann Parker had to say about her experience: “I'm so happy to have had this opportunity to get to know the other side, but also to get to know all of the members of the team, both American & Palestinian. There is a special bond between people who experience hardships as we have these past weeks. I hope to continue to let that grow. And for all of you at home who have been supporting, this goes out to you, as well.”

We hope to see you at the welcome home party for the RAP team, where we’ll hear stories firsthand, give & receive hugs, see films & photos & put into practice the sense of community we all share as part of this project.

Part 7 of the The People and the Olive is scheduled to be completed Saturday or Sunday--but we promise to send as soon as it’s ready!


Jennifer, Chelsea, & the whole On the Ground crew

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