Canaan in the News

Visit our News page to discover what the world is saying about Canaan, and what we are saying about the world.
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Farmers & Community

Learn more about the 1,700 small farmers who produce the delicacies we sell.

Trace Your Delicacy

Type in the package code to learn where your oil came from (future).


Find Canaan Locally

Type in your zip code to find where you can buy Canaan in your town.



Information about Canaan Palestine that you can download and print

Product Catalog  (project overview and product specifications in four pages)

Visit Palestine brochure

OneSheet (project and product overview on one two-sided page)

TakeAway flyer (one sided)

TakeAway flyer (1/3 page two sided)

Canaan Palestine's organic, fair trade products:

Nabali Olive Oil 

Rumi Olive Oil

Jenin Olive Oil

Crushed Flavored Olive Oils

Green Olive Tapenade

Tomato Caper Spread





About Canaan's Interfaith Program:

FACT SHEET on our Interfaith Partnership Program

FAQ for our Interfaith Partners

PRODUCT PRICE LIST for Interfaith Partners