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Farmers & Community

Learn more about the 1,700 small farmers who produce the delicacies we sell.

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Building Bridges

Strong support for an important ministry - 

Central Lutheran Church earns funds for Vocational Training Programs in the West Bank

Interfaith Partner Central Lutheran Church in Portland, Ore., has earned more than $29,000 for the Lutheran World Federation's important Vocational Training Programs at Beit Hanina, East Jerusalem, and at Ramallah.

At the Cultural Palace in Ramallah, 234 graduates, including 51 females, received accolades for their accomplishment is a place with limited job training programs for Palestinians. Canaan congratulates them! Mabruk!

This 65th graduating class, including the young women pictured above, celebrated the completion of programs in vocational tracks such as telecommunications, auto mechanics, carpentry, aluminum metalwork, electronics, catering, craft work, plumbing, and central heating.

By actively encouraging women to take part in vocational training in the electrionics telecommunication sector, the program hopes to encourage gender equity in an area which is very highly demanded by the labor market. Read more about the LWF Vocational Training Program here. 

Since 2007 our friends at Central have sold Canaan Palestine products at their own church and at other churces and fair trade fests in the Portland area. They have yet to send their gift for 2017 sales but it's likely be at least $3000, according to coordinator Debbie Johnson. They're amazing! 


Outstanding sales! Neil Snarr is a champ in sale of olive oil 

Canaan Fair Trade has presented Neil Snarr of Wilmington, Ohio, a certificate in honor of over $10,000 in sales of organic and fair trade Palestinian olive oil since 2007. Ten olive trees will be planted in Palestine in his name.

Neil says, “Aside from the benefits of fair trade in opening up the world to the Palestinian farmers, this is excellent olive oil. I hear, even from Italians with their own olive oil tradition, that 'this is the best olive oil I have ever tasted.”


2016 EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCES organizanized by our interfaith partner
FOSNA (Friends of Sabeel - North America)

Taste Canaan Fair Trade olive oil and experience great speakers and workshops at these regional educational conferences in 2016: 

Justice for Palestine: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, Santa Cruz, Calif., April 29 - 30, 2016

A unique 2-day event seeking an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine through nonviolent strategic action. Come partake in workshops run by local activists aimed at enacting BDS campaigns in your city.


Three winners of the Fair Trade Essay Contest at George Fox University were all  Palestinian university students (L-R) Haneen Sami Al_Ayasi (Arab American University), Arren Amer Abo-shhaddh (AN-Najah National University), Neveen Habaybeh (Al-najah University).