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Farmers & Community

Learn more about the 1,700 small farmers who produce the delicacies we sell.

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Solidarity Partners


You can buy Canaan fair trade products online from our partners. Canaan is proud to partner with these national solidarity organizations and businesses to further the knowledge of fair trade and Palestine and to support our farmers:

The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs bookstore, also known as Middle East Books and More, has partnered with us to carry the entire assortment of Canaan brand Palestinian olive oils, couscous, za’atar and spreads, online and in their D.C. store,  to further their mission of maintaining markets for traditional Palestinian products and industries.

Playgrounds for Palestine has partnered with Canaan to sell our organic and fair trade olive oil as a fundraiser. PfP builds playgrounds as an act of love and solidarity with the plight of Palestinian children, in recognition of their humanity and as an affirmation of their right to childhood.

Palestine Online Store,  source for all things Palestinian, sells Canaan’s organic fair trade olive oil and our spreads.

Palbox, an online store, sells a quarterly freedom and justice gift box featuring our organic and fair trade olive oil, za'atar and soap under the Hurriya brand.  Be a part of Palestine solidarity through Palbox, while enjoying a piece of Palestine.