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Cairo Review: Made in Palestine

July 4, 2017

Marda Dunsky wrote an essay on Canaan Palestine called "Made in Palestine" for The Cairo Review of Global Affairs

"Expansion of Israeli settlements, restriction on access to water, and land confiscation are displacing Palestinians from agricultural livelihoods they have known for centuries. But olive tree growers and backyard gardeners are refusing to surrender their heritage. This is a story of farmers under occupation." To read the entire essay CLICK HERE.

Rajai and Musaab Fayyad in their greenhouse at The Brothers Farm, Zababdeh, West Bank, May 3, 2016. Marda Dunsky for the Cairo Review


May 1, 2017

Olive Oil Times reports: Palestine was added as a member of the International Olive Council (IOC), bringing the total number of members to 14. The state of Palestine became a member of the IOC (a United Nations organization) following its ratification of the 2015 International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives. 

Click here for the full story.

Star Power: Gwenyth Paltrow Uses Jenin Oil

February 1, 2017

Gwenyth Paltrow released a video on her popular blog and website, and shared with her viewers three easy, healthy recipes in all of which she used Canaan Jenin Olive Oil! You can view the video HERE.

Jenin olive oil has a fresh green flavor with a fruity and buttery finish. It is suitable for a wide range of culinary uses. 

Growing A New Business On The West Bank

January 7, 2017

Canaan Palestine was featured in U.S. News and World Report in an article headlined: "Growing a New Business in the West Bank." Here is a sample: 

JENIN, West Bank — Fares Hussein and his family have been farming olive trees in Burqin, a Palestinian village in the northern West Bank, for more generations than he can count. But today it's organic farming – the techniques of his ancestors with a modernized twist – that keeps his land sustainable throughout rocky times.

Hussein is part of a growing cadre of more than a thousand farmers in the Palestinian territories who have switched to organic farming, a practice that avoids the use of chemicals. Palestinian farmers face many obstacles – from restrictions on movement and water usage under Israeli military occupation to limited rainfall and changing temperatures – but the international organic market is proving a markedly profitable high-end outlet.

To read the entire article by Miriam Berger, CLICK THIS LINK